Our taxidermy studio Offers a variety of specialty services
custom orders / private classes & consultation / wedding favors & gift bundles / bone cleaning & more!
Please inquire by emailing us at oraclenaturalscience@gmail.com
Of course as animal lovers, we understand not wanting to part with our beloved pets when they pass; our time with them never feel like it is enough. Since 2015 we have been offering a variety of options such as skeletal memorials, articulation, wet preservation, and insect preserving (including tarantula taxidermy), with award winning 2019 World Taxidermy Champion, Alessandra Dzuba. We also offer services with freeze-dried taxidermist (a modern take on traditional taxidermy where the animal is left whole; skeletal and muscular structure preserved) and also green-cremation services with Heartland Pet Aquamation’s. If you are needing to request a quote for a memorial, please fill out our survey here
Python Skeleton Articulation by Alessandra Dzuba